I read Priya Parker‘s latest newsletter and found this:
When preparing a team/community gathering and looking for a compelling invitation title, here’s one way:
STEP 1 – answer this:
What is a deep and burning question within your team/community that you can’t answer alone?
STEP2 – answer this question with at least one other person until you have a spontaneous eruption:
If you were to host a panel on that very question, what’s a title that would pack the room?
“Recently we had a workshop about this, and I asked one executive to share his imaginary title with the room.
‘Listening to Customer Feedback,’ he read.
‘Punch it up. Raise the heat,’ I told him.
‘How to Build More Responsive Products,’ he responded.
‘Keep going,’ I coached, ‘What’s at the core of this meeting that you want to name?’
Finally, he blurted out:
‘Why Do Our Customers Hate Our Product?: A Roundtable.’
The room burst into laughter and started applauding.”